Another study showed that muscle oxygenation was decreased after endurance training 34 and tapering, 35 due to improved oxygen utilization in exercising muscle. Thus, it is important to differentiate between decreasing muscle oxygenation that is caused either by decreasing DO2 or increasing oxygen utilization.
In this study we found little change in the muscle oxygenation of subjects with COPD during exercise, and subjects 2 and 6 had low MOERs. These changes likely reflect the presence of an increased oxygen supply for covering p load. Since there was little decrease in SpO2 in these subjects, we concluded that the oxygen supply may have been mostly provided by the arterial blood flow for increased oxygen uptake during exercise. This might compensate for the insufficient muscle oxygen utilization during exercise in these subjects.
It has been reported that V?O2 positively correlates with deoxy-Hb and total Hb, whereas it negatively correlates with oxy-Hb and StO2, during cycle ergometry in normal subjects. 21,36 Furthermore, V?O2 is reportedly negatively correlated with exercise muscle oxygenation during running. 37 In this study we observed a similar relationship between V? “Relationships Between V?Odos and Peripheral Muscle Oxygenation”の続きを読む