How to make a hot AF dating app profile that stands out

How to make a hot AF dating app profile that stands out

But sometimes when all you’ve got is three to five photos and a twenty word bio, it can be hard to get the attention of all your fellow suitors and stand out.

Especially because this cooked pandemic means we’re all on apps swiping our little hearts out in this never-ending lockdown, hoping we might match with our soulmate . or at least the next person to bang for our upcoming hot vax summer lives. So, we’re dealing with a lot of competition.

Here’s a few hot tips from your fellow swipers, aka Hook Up listeners, about what makes someone stand out on hinge, bumble, grinder, tinder, et al.

A clear good quality photo of just you

You know what they say: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. So, we asked you on the Instagram, and a lot of you said straight up – you want a good clear photo of the person.

Don’t use a group photo, don’t have a weird blurry pic, don’t lead with a photo of a horse (true story), just give us your best, cutest pic of yourself where you can see your face clearly.

  • “For me, their first picture should be a clear picture of their face with no filters”
  • “A great profile picture”
  • “Nice happy photo that shows what you actually look like and aren’t amolatina all selfies or drinking shots”
  • “People who have clear photos of themselves, not all group photos or only far away”
  • “No filters (grow up)”

Say cheese and smile

Ok – as someone who doesn’t smile that much, this one surprised me. “How to make a hot AF dating app profile that stands out”の続きを読む

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C-Date – Prufung: anhand C-Date erotische Kontakte zu Handen unverbindlichen Liebesakt findenEnergieeffizienz

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